- How appropriate is our plan for the Director of Education assessment and evaluation system?
- How appropriate is our succession plan for the Director of Education at all 3 levels: Emergency, Orderly, Beyond the Next Transition?
- How clear are we on our role in human resources and collective bargaining?
- How well do we encourage the Director of Education?
- How appropriate is our plan for the School Board assessment and evaluation system?
- How effective is our onboarding and orientation program for School Board Members?
- How committed are we to continuous education including for the Director of Education and School Board Members?
- To what extent are our board and committee meetings linked to and aligned with our board and committee charters/terms of reference and work plans: before, during and after the meetings?
- How healthy is our boardroom culture and how might we strengthen it?
- To what extent am I fulfilling my responsibilities to the work of the board?